jeudi 5 août 2010

You know you love me.

A few months ago, I watch TV on Saturday as every Saturday and that day I put TF1 and I fell in love with this series, and this beautiful Chuck Bass, you guess? Of course I'm talking about Gossip Girl, OK, this series makes me dream, spaces in which they live, and then Blake lively style wan der Woodsen Serena have .. J'adore! So in about one week I watch the entire Season 3 + Season 2 that I had not seen it yet, I'm waiting impatiently for season 4 which I'm sure it will be great! Especially because she has headed tour in Paris, D


This is the summer guys , EAT COOKIE!I'm so excited to go to Bordeaux and Lacanau , this is a small city where i'm surfing! And where i'm now i enjoy very much too ;P

lundi 26 juillet 2010

Yves Saint Laurent

I want this perfume , his smell is soooo good.

dimanche 25 juillet 2010

Photoscape , now my friend.

I recently discovered this site of alteration(retouch) for pictures: PHOTOSCAPE. OK I LIKE! he's very simple , this site helps me a lot.
And I do retouch some photos to make them more attractive has my taste


Hello everybody, I decided to make this blog for to share my leisure activities, my tastes, and my passions.
I absolutely wanted to resume (to take back) this blog, and this day arrived!
I hope that you'll like it xoxo S.
(And sorry if I make spelling mistakes but I am French)